Waterlase MD™

WaterLase iPlus

Dental anxiety will never completely vanish, but we can help people trust again. We can help patients with high technology. Lasers help us complete much more tolerable and very effective treatments.

Years ago we added the Waterlase iPlus Laser system to our office. It is minimally invasive and very different than the traditional drill. The laser energy can be regulated to work on any oral tissue, from delicate gum tissue to the most difficult enamel.

The laser works hand in hand with our sensitive detection systems. We are able to remove small cavities without any anesthesia at all!

As a general and cosmetic dental office, we are most patients' first line of defense against gum disease. The Waterlase allows us not only to treat decay, but also allows us to treat localized gum disease. We will non-surgically treat gum disease where the technology can be appropriately applied. The results are faster and more comfortable healing.

We apply the Waterlase iPlus to restorative dentistry, periodontics, surgery, endodontics, and implant surgery. All in all, it has a place in all aspects of dentistry and we love using it every opportunity we can.

Patients rave about it and so do we. Click here to learn more.